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Re-indigenization practices for collective liberation that are based in the inherent belonging of all.


We all come from a people who gathered around fires, storytelling, dancing, and grieving together

We have been separated from village. 

Stripped of our initiation rites

Raised without our grief rituals

Taught independence (isolation) and scarcity

Severed from reciprocity with the earth

Born into dismemberment

We grieve

We were not meant

to do it alone

We are rebuilding our village

Recreating our initiation rites

Befriending our grief

Learning collectivity and mutual care

Reunifying our relations to the earth


We praise.



The Collectivity Project, founded by Alyx Somas, is dedicated to fostering belonging, reciprocity, and cultural re-indigenization. Grounded in Indigenous teachings, it creates spaces for healing, ancestral connection, and communal rituals such as grief work, ceremony, and storytelling. With a vision of dismantling supremacy and nurturing interdependence, the project honors ancestral ways while inspiring restored relationships with the land, each other, and all life.


To read about

and register for

 our upcoming workshopS

To read about and

schedule a 1:1 session


To read about

and schedule a

 private or group consultation

To get connected to my

monthly offerings on Patreon

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